Sliplining is a pipe rehabilitation method of inserting a new liner pipe inside a deteriorated or failing pipeline to prolong its lifespan, while improving the flow characteristics of the updated system. The method can be conducted in live sewers without service disruptions or by-pass pumping.
A launch shaft that is 10-12-ft longer than the new product pipe is constructed over the deteriorated pipeline. The top half of the existing host pipe is removed allowing for the continued flow of effluent. Once the slip lining equipment is properly positioned into a constructed shaft, debris is cleared from the failed pipeline. A purpose build mandrel and pipe prover are used to ensure the new carrier pipe will pass the entire alignment. Once clean and proved, the slip lining process begins by advancing the carrier pipe through the deteriorate hose pipe. Thrust forces are generated by a powerful drive system on the Akkerman slip lining system. A pipe brake is used to detent the installed pipe while a pipe lift is used to set and align a new product pipe for propulsion. Live effluent flows pass through the annulus as well as the new carrier pipe while advancing.
- Cost Savings: Slip lining minimizes surface disruption and revitalizes failing infrastructure without the need for costly bypass pumping stations.
- Safety: The equipment is remotely operated and does not require laborers to enter the live flow tunnel. Equipment contains all necessary safety devices including e-stops and brakes.
- Efficiency: Estimated productivity while advancing is 1-2 ft per minute depending on condition of host pipe.
- Data Logging: Drive data is available for download or remote access.
- Diameters: 30-in to 102-in typical. Additional sizes available.
- Product Pipe: CCFRPM, GBR
- Pipe Lengths: 10-ft or 20-ft typical
- Alignment: Straight or curved alignments. Curved alignments may require short pipe sections.
- Drive Length: Up to 6000lf. Dependent on project conditions, alignment, and sewer flow.